English articles, keynotes, lectures and speeches
A. Published English Articles/Books and Book Chapters:
The Impact of Generative AI on the Legal Practice: Some Ethical and Professional Considerations in the U. S. and in Germany
Transatlantic Law Journal (TLJ) May 2024 (Vol. 2), p. 106-111 (co-authored with Anthony E. Davis)
German Federal Lawyers’ Act: don’t miss the deadline for bar admission
The regulatory rules are changing for UK law firms operating in Germany. Markus Hartung explains how to prepare. Blog for The Law Society of England and Wales on 15 May 2022. Only online available here: https://www.lawsociety.org.uk/topics/international/gfla-dont-miss-the-deadline-for-bar-admission
Get ready for changes to the German Federal Lawyers’ Act
German-qualified lawyer Markus Hartung sets out the upcoming regulatory changes to the Federal Lawyers’ Act and the steps that English firms practising in Germany should take to prepare. Blog for The Law Society of England and Wales on 26 August 2021. Only online available here: https://www.lawsociety.org.uk/topics/international/get-ready-for-changes-to-the-german-federal-lawyers-act
OK, Boomer! Intergenerational conflict in law firms
LBW Legal Business World 2 / 2021, p. 8, together with Emma Ziercke (this article is the English version of the article “Ok, Boomer: Generationenkonflikte in Anwaltskanzleien” that was published in Konfliktdynamik (KD), Heft 3/2020, 198-205. The English version is only available online: https://lbw2021us2.legalbusinesslibrary.com/html5forwebkit.html)
Good Intentions - The Idea and Execution of Diversity Management
in: LBW Legal Business World, issue 3-2020, p. 52 et sequ., co-authored with Susanne Reinemann, online available here: https://www.legalbusinessworld.com/post/2020/06/30/good-intentions-the-idea-and-execution-of-diversity-management
A suggestion … … for a modern legal framework for the legal profession - Observations on the decision of the Federal Court of Justice of 27/11/2019 on the extent of the monopoly on legal services
in: Business Law Magazine No. 1/2020 of 27 February 2020, p. 6-9, download here: https://www.businesslaw-magazine.com/2020/02/27/a-suggestion-for-a-modern-legal-framework-for-the-legal-profession/
Managing Lawyers is like herding cats – or is it?
In Legal Business World (www.businessworld.com), International Edition, No. 2/2019, p. 90-96 (co-authored with Emma Ziercke), only online available here: http://www.lbw2019us2.legalbusinesslibrary.com/index-h5.html?page=1#page=1
Confused by millennials? Three things law firms need to know about Millennials
Emma Ziercke/Markus Hartung in Bucerius Legal Trends Blog 27 February 2019
Gender Diversity: We’re looking at the problem from the wrong end!
Emma Ziercke/Markus Hartung in Bucerius Legal Trends Blog 1 February 2019
“Persönlichkeitsmerkmale von Juristen: Sind Anwälte wirklich wie Katzen?“
Markus Hartung/Emma Ziercke in LTO November 2018. English language available here: http://www.bucerius-education.de/home/news-termine/blog/artikel/are-lawyers-really-like-cats/
Brexit and English LLPs in Germany
This is the english translation of the article mentioned below, published in Linkedin on 14 January 2019, download here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/brexit-english-llps-germany-markus-hartung/
Legal Tech. How Technology is Changing the Legal World. A Practitioner’s Guide
Edited and written by Markus Hartung, Micha-Manuel Bues and Gernot Halbleib; Munich, Baden-Baden and London 2018; more about the book here: https://www.beck-shop.de/legal-tech-a-practitioners-guide/productview.aspx?product=25348809
“Gender Diversity in Kanzleien: Kommt da noch was?“
Emma Ziercke/Markus Hartung. In LTO March 2018. Available at LTO. English language version available on request.
“Driver or administrator? HR’s impact on law firm success and how to measure it.”
Markus Hartung/Emma Ziercke. Published in the International Edition (No.1) 2018, Legal Business World available at International Edition, No. 1, 2018, LegalBusinessWorld.
The Future of Legal Business – International Law Firms
In: McGarry, S. (Hrsg.), Leaders in Legal Business, 2018 (together with Emma Ziercke); available online only:http://online.flipbuilder.com/smcgarry/urdl/mobile/index.html#p=6
Why the developments to the competence divide (and not the digital divide) will make or break the law firm business model
In: Laura Slater (Ed.), New Directions in Legal Services, co-authored with Emma Ziercke, ARK/Wilmington 2017 (to be published Winter 2017)
Les Misérables: Second-tier Partners in the German Legal Market
In: AnwBl. 5/2017, S. 504 ff. (co-authored with Emma Ziercke), English translation here: http://www.bucerius-education.de/home/news-termine/blog/artikel/les-miserables-second-tier-partners-in-the-german-legal-market/
Fix the Woman or Fix the Law Firm
In: IBLF – The Independent Business Law Firm Newsletter, Vol. 1.7 on 7 December 2016 (a publication of http://www.ailfn.com, Association of International Law Firm Networks), (together with Emma Ziercke)
The Future of In-House Legal Departments and Their Impact on the Legal Market: Four Theses for General Counsels, and One for Law Firms
In: Jacob, K., Schindler, D., Strathausen, R. (Hrsg.): Liquid Legal. Transforming Legal into a Business Savvy, Information Enabled and Performance Driven Industry, Springer International Publishing AG 2017, p. 275-286 (together with Arne Gärtner)
What Tomorrow’s Lawyers Want: What Law Firms Would Look Like if Generation Y Were in Charge
IBLF – The Independent Business Law Firm Newsletter, Vol. 1.3, June 1, 2016 (a publication of http://www.ailfn.com, Association of International Law Firm Networks), download hier: http://files.ctctcdn.com/b1834d99501/0f1fc09c-9bd3-4aaf-87e3-fa486d494d19.pdf?utm_source=F+IBLF+FINAL+MAY+2016+sent+June012016&utm_campaign=AILFN+-+February+1%2C+2016&utm_medium=email
The ‘more-for-less’ paradox
When a theory takes on a life of its own, a reality check can help: results of a survey conducted by Bucerius CLP and Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel
In: Business Law Magazine No. 1, 3 March 2016, p. 21 et seq. (co-authored with Arne Gärtner), Download here: http://www.businesslaw-magazine.com/2016/03/03/the-more-for-less-paradox/
How Legal Technology Will Change the Business of Law
Final Report of Bucerius Law School and The Boston Consulting Group on impacts of innovative technology in the legal sector, 2015/2016 (coauthored with Christian Veith, Michael Bandlow, Michael Harnisch (BCG), Hariolf Wenzler and Dirk Hartung (Bucerius Law School)), available here: http://www.bucerius-education.de/fileadmin/content/pdf/studies_publications/Legal_Tech_Report_2016.pdf
Disruptive innovation
In: Slater, L. (publ.), Law Firm Innovation: Insights and Practice, ARK Group Wilmington Legal, London 2015 (together with Arne Gärtner), pp. 1-6 (https://www.ark-group.com/product/law-firm-innovation-insights-and-practice#.VZRRkxPtmko)
The Future of Legal Business – International Law Firms
In: McGarry, S. (publ.), Leaders in Legal Business, 2015; please find the e-book here: http://www.hg.org/leaders-in-legal-business.asp; or go directly to my chapter: http://tiny.cc/g6hlzx.
Research Report – Legal & Procurement in Germany
In: Legal Procurement Handbook, published by the Buying Legal Council, ed. by Silvia Hodges Silverstein, 2014, p. 114 ff.; (together with Arne Gärtner)
Governance Structures
Co-author of a chapter on Governance Structures, and member of Editorial Board, in: Risk Management in Law Firms – Strategies for Safeguarding the Future, published by Globe Law and Business, London 2014 (with Anthony E. Davis et al), for more see: http://www.globelawandbusiness.com/RML/
Game over? The global legal market in 2018
Article in „Managing Partner“ on the topic of segmentation of the legal market (Section Masterclass), January 2014, www.managingpartner.com (together with Arne Gärtner), see here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10795364/038_13_140200_MP_Feb-2014_Cover_Story_Bucerius_Game_over.pdf
From idea to action
Article in „Managing Partner“ on the topic of innovation and innovation management, September issue 2013, www.managingpartner.com (together with Arne Gärtner), see here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10795364/037_13_130900_MP_Managing_Partner_Magazine_Innovation.pdf
Legal Procurement – threat or opportunity for law firms
In: Hodges (Ed.), Buying Legal: Procurement insights and practice, http://www.wlrstore.com/ark/buying-legal-procurement-insights-and-practice.aspx, 2012, ARK Verlag, p. 33 (together with Arne Gärtner)
Click4Legal – How Deutsche Bank Manages its Suppliers of Legal Services
Case study for Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession, together with Jakob Weberstaedt (Download via Homepage of Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession: http://www.bucerius-education.de/fileadmin/content/pdf/studies_publications/Studie_Click4Legal.pdf
B. English Presentations, Lectures, Speeches:
Transformation of the Legal Profession
Presentation at the opening of the Global Legal Affairs Summit of a DAX30 company, 5 June 2023
Debt Collection and the Regulation of Legal Tech in Germany
Webinar hosted by Legal Protection International (LPI) on the changes in the German legal services market due to the Legal Tech Act, on 2 June 2021
Aftermath of Brexit: Practice rights of German lawyers in the UK and vice versa post-Brexit – what is the status quo and is there room for improvement?
Keynote and panel discussion at an event organised by the DAV and the Bar Council of England and Wales (BCEW) on 9 June 2021
Regulating Legal Tech - US and European Perspective
Online Lecture as part of Bucerius - Legal Tech Essentials, Summer 2020, online on 6 August 2020 (together with Dan B. Rodriguez)
The Market for Legal Services
Regular lecture at the Bucerius Law School Summer Program on Technology and Operations since July 2018 (25 July 2018, 16 July 2019) in Hamburg
Building the Law Firm of Tomorrow: Innovation, Technology, People
Keynote at the LEX MUNDI Managing Partners Conference 2018, 15 June 2018 in Paris
Corporate Governance and the Traditional Partnership Model
Breakout Session at the LEX MUNDI Managing Partners Conference 2018, 15 June 2018 in Paris
Surviving in Tough Times: People, Technology, Innovation
Key Note at the conference “Beyond our borders – A global legal innovation summit” at Northwestern Law, Chicago, 4 May 2018
Digitalization, Industrialization – New Business Models for Lawyers
Key Note at the Swiss Legal Tech Hackathon & Conference, 4 October 2017 in Zurich
Legal Tech and Digitalization – Implications for Inhouse Lawyers
Speeches at Global Legal Conferences of two German DAX-30-companies, September 2017 in Amsterdam and October 2017 in Berlin
The Economic Impact of Legal Tech
Roundtable discussion at the 34th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE) on 14 September 2017 in London
Talk to my (Tech) Lawyer – Legal Tech and Consumer Protection
Panelspeech at Tech Open Air 2017, 12 July 2017 in Berlin
The Future of Law: Alternative Forms of Legal Service Provision
Panelspeech at the Professional Service Firms Annual Conference „Professional Service Firms and Globalisation“, at the Said Business School, University of Oxford, 10-12 Juli 2016
Law Firms, Lawyering and Professional Ethics
Lecture Series at the International Exchange Program of Bucerius Law School (Certificate-Program of the Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession), September/October 2016
Setting the stage – global trends and challenges affecting the future of the legal profession
Panel Key Note at the 7th World Women Lawyers’ Conference: Law in a changing world – how women can contribute to innovation of the legal profession, 7 April 2016 in Berlin, for more information go to: http://www.ibanet.org/Article/Detail.aspx?ArticleUid=ccf59855-4b78-4497-903a-9f27f2c9d7d0
The EU Commission’s Single Market Act and consequences for the legal market in Europe
Key Note at Thomson Reuter’s Breakfast Briefing for Managing Partners of Spanish Law Firms, on 2 November 2015 in Madrid
Attracting the best talent to law
Presentation at IBA 2015 in Vienna (Academic and Professional Committee and Law Firm Management Committee), October 6, 2015
Technology and trends in the legal market: disruption, evolution, or – just hype? Perspectives from the European continent
Keynote at the LTEC LawTech Europe Congress 2015, 27 October 2015 in Brussels (for more informationhttp://www.lawtecheuropecongress.com/)
Law Firms of Tomorrow
Presentation at the International Alumni Reunion of Bucerius Law School, September 18, 2015 in Hamburg
Non Lawyer Ownership – State of play in UK, France and Germany,
Lecture on the regulatory situation in Germany at 66th DAT 2015 (German Lawyers‘ Day of the German Bar Association), June 2015 in Hamburg
University of Navarra / IESE Business School – International Legal Week
Lecture series on Management and Leadership as part of the International Legal Week of the University of Navarra / IESE Business School, April 2015 in New York, together with Silvia Hodges Silverstein (video on YouTube: http://youtu.be/3V36RjzQp1g)
ABA American Bar Association: 2015 Europe Forum
Panelist on the subject of market entry in Germany etc. at the Regional Conference of the American Bar Association (ABA), March 27, 2015 in Berlin
Global Independent Law Firms Forum 2015 – Global Developments
Leading the opening panel, March 25, 2015 in London
Lawyering in a Globalized World – Professional Ethics
Lecture series at the International Exchange Program at the Bucerius Law School (Certificate-Program of the Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession), November 2014
Innovation in the Legal Market
CLE Program (advanced training course) on questions on market development and innovation management in law firms. Organiser: American Friends of Bucerius and German American Chamber of Commerce, New York, October 15, 2014 in New York (together with Friedrich Blase)
Lawyering in a Globalized World – Leadership & Management
Lecture series at the International Exchange Program at the Bucerius Law School (Certificate-Program of the Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession), September 2014
International Law Firm Networks - Opportunities and Risks. How do networks fully play to their advantages?
Inhouse-presentation during an international networking event of law firms, September 27, 2014 in Berlin
II. Citizen Lawyers Forum: Corporate Social Responsibility
Panel presentation at a conference on Good Citizenship of lawyers at the ASPEN Institute Spain, June 23, 2014 in Madrid
How to recognize a world class legal department?
Panel discussion at annual meeting of the global law department of a DAX30 company, June 18, 2014
Who is eating Law Firms’ lunch?
Presentation at the European Regional Meeting of WSG World Services Group, followed by moderation of a panel discussion, May 23, 2014 in Berlin
University of Navarra / IESE Business School – International Legal Week
Lecture series on Management and Leadership during the International Legal Week of the Universidad de Navarra / IESE Business School, April 28 until May 2, 2014 in New York (video on YouTube)
Disruptive Innovation – are alternative service providers a threat for traditional law firms?
Key Note at a round table discussion of the Universidad de Navarra and IESE Business School, May 1, 2014 in New York (video on YouTube)
Can good people be good lawyers? Moral dilemmas in the practice of law
CLE Program (advanced training course) on questions on professional ethics from the viewpoint of US law and the CCBE Code of Conduct, organiser: American Friends of Bucerius and German American Chamber of Commerce, New York, April 30, 2014 in New York (together with Anthony E. Davis)
Legal Week – Global Independent Law Firms Forum 2014
Conference Chairman of conference, March 20, 2014 in London
The Business Case for Making Partners
Presentation at IBA 2013 in Boston (Academic and Professional Committee), October 9, 2013
Current Developments of Legal Markets, Challenges for Law Firms and for the Education and Training of Lawyers
Presentation at conference „Training Lawyers for the Future“ of the Universidad de Navarra, May 9, 2013 in Madrid (video on YouTube)
Partnerships: Fit for the Future?
Presentation at semiannual conference of German British Jurists´ Association, April 19, 2013 in Brighton
Legal Markets in the aftermath of the Financial Crisis: How regulators struggle to keep pace
Joint Conference of 8th World City Bar Leaders Conference Frankfurt 2013, and Fédération des Barreaux d’Europe, 31 May 2013 in Frankfurt
Legal Week – Global Independent Law Firms Forum
Conference Chairman of conference, March 21, 2013 in London
Leadership: leading change in law firms
Presentation at IBA 2012 in Dublin, October 3, 2012
Regulating the Changing Legal Market
Panel presentation at “International Conference of Legal Regulators”, organised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), September 27, 2012 in London
Current client approaches to engaging professional service firms and how to respond – a continental European perspective
Presentation at Client Day of Moeller PSF Group at the Churchill College of the University of Cambridge, May 2012 (together with Ori Wiener)
Innovation in Law Firms
Moderation of a lunch lecture; organiser: Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession and American Friends of Bucerius, April 11, 2012 in New York (see also the interview with Lee Pacchia, Bloomberg Law on YouTube: https://youtu.be/JaZhDpXJGAQ)
To merge or not to merge
Panel discussion participant at Global Independent Law Firms Forum, organised by Legal Week Conferences, March 22, 2012 in London
Branding of a Professional Service Firm – do’s and don’ts
Inhouse-Presentation at an international network of commercial law firms, October 2011 in Barcelona
Developments of Legal Markets in Germany and elsewhere – and how successful Law Firms react
Inhouse Presentation at an international networking event of medium-sized law firms, June 2, 2011
English LLP: a successful option for law firms in Germany
Presentation at annual conference of the Academy of European Law (ERA), March 22, 2011
“…Law Firms have had Christmas every day for decades now, but the party´s over.” –
Understanding the New Relationship between GCs and Outside Counsel; as part of the discussion series “Thriving in Today’s International Law Practice”
Presentation on November 9, 2010 in New York
Core competencies for international lawyers
Lunch Lectures for various international law firms in New York, November 2010 – autumn 2011
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